Thursday, 19 March 2015

WARNING - Klutz at Work

I try, I really do.  Appearances would suggest otherwise, but actually I really do try to :

a)  Look presentable
b)  Not say entirely reprehensible things
c)  Behave in a manner befitting my age and experience


I think I should embrace my Klutziness.  It appeared when I was very small and is showing no signs of abating.

Last year I returned to work after 16 years (!) spent bringing up my delightful citizens-of-the-future, Kinder Nos.1-3.
I was very nervous and blah blah blah, but now - after a long period of service (8 1/2 months) - I liked to think I was perhaps making a bit of a name for myself.  Heaven knows I am only going in for 7 1/2 hours a week, spread over three days, to do the filing...but I like to do it with a sense of professionalism and pride.  I file properly.

Sunday, 8 March 2015


Politics.  I know it bothers people when you say you're not interested in politics, but I'm not.  Well, I'm not interested in Politicians is probably more to the point.  I hear them squibble-squabbling and nit-picking at each other - and that I can get from my own dear children, in the comfort of my own home, thank you very much.  I don't need an Elected Official to join in.

I certainly couldn't get excited about the thought of Live Debates. It seems to be a hot topic at the moment though, because I often hear them discussing it on the Radio 4  - just before I start singing show tunes over their voices.

But hold the phone...what is this I spy in my yesterday's paper?
(Saturday paper is always read on a Sunday in my house.  Sunday is a much better paper-reading day).