Wednesday, 30 September 2015



I am reeling from an incident I witnessed not two days ago, which illustrated all too vividly the brevity of life.

I was standing in our 'Entrance Vestibule' - as the space between our front door and the rest of our house was somewhat grandly described in the Estate Agents tissue of lies details when we bought our house - looking for my shoes, when a Fly buzzed by.

I am irritated by Flies and their toneless buzzing, and find their life-choices re paddling around in poo baffling; but I wouldn't necessarily want any harm to befall them.

I am also terrified of irritated by Spiders and their hairy-leggedness; but I have allowed Mary to dwell on our Front Door for some months now.

Sunday, 16 August 2015


...or possibly in a misbehaving computer programme

Oh how I laughed when I saw this in this week's Saturday Telegraph...

wrong horoscopes

 You mean the Horoscopes in the magazine may be nonsense?!?  Surely not.

Page 29 did, as promised, show the 'correct version'.  Or indeed the Horoscopes That Will Definitely Come True.

But the magazine version was much, much better.

Saturday, 13 June 2015

A WORD IN YOUR SHELL...*you will see what I did there once you've read the post :-)

a word

Words. I really like words.  I even share on this blog interesting ones I find along my merry way, just out of the goodness of my heart.  Well, so far I have shared one, but that still counts.  You have to start somewhere...

But, I say, but, today I am going to share a word I'm not entirely comfortable with. Brace yourselves.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

EUROVISION SONG CONTEST. No, You're a Vision Song Contest! (Why did I do that?)

The Eurovision Song Contest...why do I love it so?  I literally have no idea since I rarely see much of it.  When I was a tiddler and capable of staying awake until the end I wasn't allowed to - and now I am old enough...I'm asleep by 9.15pm.

Can't say I'm overkeen on the UK entry this year.  It's approaching 'good', I think, but somehow managed to swerve to avoid it.  But hey!  I can't write songs, so I should just say 'thank you very much for our entry this year' and stop being such a grumpling.  Besides, not liking the song is no bar to supporting one's own dear country.  Indeed, I will also be supporting any Scandinavian countries - and I haven't heard so much of a note of any of their songs.

Denmark, as always, holds top spot in my heart.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

WARNING - Klutz at Work

I try, I really do.  Appearances would suggest otherwise, but actually I really do try to :

a)  Look presentable
b)  Not say entirely reprehensible things
c)  Behave in a manner befitting my age and experience


I think I should embrace my Klutziness.  It appeared when I was very small and is showing no signs of abating.

Last year I returned to work after 16 years (!) spent bringing up my delightful citizens-of-the-future, Kinder Nos.1-3.
I was very nervous and blah blah blah, but now - after a long period of service (8 1/2 months) - I liked to think I was perhaps making a bit of a name for myself.  Heaven knows I am only going in for 7 1/2 hours a week, spread over three days, to do the filing...but I like to do it with a sense of professionalism and pride.  I file properly.

Sunday, 8 March 2015


Politics.  I know it bothers people when you say you're not interested in politics, but I'm not.  Well, I'm not interested in Politicians is probably more to the point.  I hear them squibble-squabbling and nit-picking at each other - and that I can get from my own dear children, in the comfort of my own home, thank you very much.  I don't need an Elected Official to join in.

I certainly couldn't get excited about the thought of Live Debates. It seems to be a hot topic at the moment though, because I often hear them discussing it on the Radio 4  - just before I start singing show tunes over their voices.

But hold the phone...what is this I spy in my yesterday's paper?
(Saturday paper is always read on a Sunday in my house.  Sunday is a much better paper-reading day).

Monday, 16 February 2015


It seems I live on a building site - and have done for the past many months - and I am a bit tired of it now *melancholy sigh*.

Nobody likes living among building work (I imagine?) but at least when it's your own you get the lovely outcome at the end of it all.  The extra bedroom, the sunny garden room, the utility room with extra loo...

But we have been surrounded on 3 sides (does that count as 'surrounded'?) by other people's building work and all we have to show for it are frayed nerves, a growing pile of other people's cigarette butts, and a missing garden waste bin.  (Where this went is anybody's guess - it's bloody huge and it's clean disappeared!)

Thursday, 22 January 2015


word for you letter box oldWords.  Ain't they great?
Indeed, Mr W and I first bonded over a Dictionary. (That sounds rude and it really wasn't).

We'd sit in his office randomly dipping into his Chambers Dictionary (still not rude, so why does it sound like it is?) My how we'd laugh at some of the rich and varied words our language offers up.

We'd also derive great entertainment from running together the words at the top of the pages - you know the ones in bold.  For example the top of page 360 in our Chambers bears the gem 'Confound Conglomerate' - which I'm sure many people do. Page 966 has 'Liberty Lick' - which sounds like a porn star.
I imagine.